Why choose us?

By choosing Wick Guru, you are supporting our mission of lighting up the world sustainably.

That's because, for every candle purchased, 5% of our profits goes towards providing solar lights to developing countries.
Besides that, our candles are made with 100% natural soy wax, lead-free contain wicks, and high-quality phthalate and paraben-free fragrances. Our packaging is also recyclable and biodegradable.

You can read more about our story here.



💰 Money-back guarantee

⏰ Long-lasting burn time: ~40 hours

🔥 Even burn

🌬️ Strong (but not overpowering) scent

🌿 100% biodegradable soy wax (i.e. no crude oil used like most conventional candles)

🌱 Clean burning fragrances

🚫 Plastic-free packaging

💚 5% of profits donated to Solar Aid

    Why Choose Wick Guru